Friday, July 8, 2011

Lazy Friday and Loving It!

So, I have been EXTREMELY LAZY today, but I'm loving it! I think we all deserve some lazy days every once in awhile. Jonathan got up and played golf with some friends. Our student ministry is hosting a golf tournament all day tomorrow. So, Jonathan decided he better go play half a course today to get ready for the full course tomorrow since he hasn't played golf in 12 years! He always does great at whatever he does in my opinion. So, I know he will do well tomorrow!

While he was gone, I started working on his birthday present. It isn't until September, but it will never get done unless I start working on it now. I'm excited about it, but unfortunately I can't give too many details because my luck will be that he will read this.

It looks like we are going on a date night tonight which is super exciting! If you are wondering why we still date when we are married, let me tell you something girls. Date nights are some of the best medicine for a marriage! It doesn't matter whether you have a house full of children, it is crucial that you setup date nights with your hubby. Get a babysitter, and get out of there! Sometimes we need some quiet, alone time to ourselves. This is just one of those ways to do it, and we need that with our husbands too! If you are in the ministry, it is even more important because your time is split in so many different directions. Make time for each other!

I think ending a blog with some good, wholesome preaching is exactly what is needed sometimes! ;)


  1. Hope you had a great night. I miss my lazy days, but I have to say that my crazy ones make me appreciate my date nights that much more!

  2. It was definitely a great night! We are like an old married couple I guess though because we went grocery shopping during our date night too. Our crazy days are so numerous that date nights are super special. So, I understand that completely!
