Saturday, July 23, 2011

VBS Planning

With the craziness of VBS planning, I have not had a chance to breathe. I really don't have the chance now, but I was feeling SO guilty for not having a recent post in the past 9 DAYS! So, here it goes....

Our church has a community center that was birthed from it. The community center sits in the middle of apartments and houses of many families who need to be reached with God's amazing Word! The community center has not been able to have a VBS in 4 years, and a lot of that is because of the lack of volunteers which is so sad. Anyways, that changed this year, and we are making VBS happen! The community that is around the center is FILLED with children. So, it is important that we reach the children, and then reach the families through that.

I have stepped up to the plate as VBS Director in order to get things rolling. I didn't want another year to pass without the children in the community reached. So, needless to say, it has been a LOT of work. I have really enjoyed it though, and it has only reconfirmed my call to reach and teach children the Gospel. I feel that very strongly, and I ache for it! It is a wonderful thing!

VBS will start this coming up Monday and will end on Wednesday night. We are kicking things off tomorrow night (Sunday) with a Block Party which will include games, food, pre-registration for VBS, music, etc. Please pray for the children, their families, and all of the VBS Volunteers throughout this week. Pray that things will run smoothly, and children will begin to understand what an intimate relationship with Jesus is all about!

On another note, I don't know how much I will get to update this next week with VBS. I will be back at blogging regularly the next week though as we start renovations on our house, and we get it ready to put on the market. It is such a beautiful home, and I'm excited to see the next family who will be here to take our place in it! That's all for now!

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