If you are like me, you are very quick to throw away those expired coupons! It is so easy to sort through coupons, and throw the old ones away. Next time, spend just an extra minute, and use those expired coupons to help our military families. Military families can use expired coupons up to 6 months after they have expired. Sending a stack of expired coupons their way every month is the least we can do. So, stick those expired coupons in an envelope, and you can send those expired coupons straight to a family who could use them. You can send your coupons directly to Elizabeth Miller. She especially needs baby coupons, but uses everything! Here is her address:
Elizabeth Miller
PSC 482 Box 3021
FPO, AP 96362
I know she will appreciate any number of coupons you can send her way to help her in supporting her family! Thank you for your willingness to help!
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