I went to visit Mom last week, and we had some good mother/daughter time. I enjoy spending quality time with her, and I wish I could do it more often. Anyways, we went to a place called Sips n Strokes.You can sign up for a class, and with an instructor, you do a painting. We ended up painting crosses that night. I will have to take a picture of it. I have a love for painting. So, I thought it would be something unique that Mom and I could do together. We learned very quickly that we are ones for detail and perfection though! That can get anyone in trouble when painting! It was a lot of fun! Feel free to click on the Sips n Strokes link, and see if there is a Sips n Strokes near you!
Yesterday started the new catalog for Scentsy! It has all of the NEW products and scents for the Fall/Winter. If you haven't experienced Scentsy, you should definitely check out the link. There is nothing like it that comes anywhere close to matching the incredible, long lasting smell that Scentsy creates. It works just like turning on a lamp, and you can leave it on all day. You do not have to be home. It is completely safe! There is nothing like coming home to an amazing smelling home! I spent last night putting together baskets for Scentsy basket parties. What I love about the basket parties, is the ease of it! I put together a basket filled with different products to try out, catalogs, order forms, etc. I then give the basket to someone, and they will put it on a table at work somewhere. They can even plug in the warmer in the basket and try it out! Scentsy tends to sell itself so many times. So, gathering orders is a breeze. It isn't like having a catalog party and not getting to see anything. It is all right there to try out! Plus, after orders, you get free and discounted items for doing it! Scentsy is good for teacher gifts, Christmas, birthday, housewarming gifts, etc. You can't go wrong with it. Let me know if you are interested in taking a basket! I still have some available to go out in September!
Jonathan and I have been sorting through our belongings. We are hoping to have a HUGE yard sale before it gets into those cold days. We have so many wonderful things that we have been blessed with, but there are so many things that we don't use or we don't have a need for. My thinking is, there is no reason to have things so that they can sit on a shelf. If you can't put it to good use, then it needs to go to someone who will use it. There's no need in letting stuff clutter up your house! I say all of that to say.....I have done the complete opposite! I have so many things to go through, but it will be good to do a clean sweep of things. Last year we had a yard sale, and we were able to afford to buy some nice furniture for our house. It is nice when you can take things you don't use, sell it, and use the money for things you really need. I will let you know when the yard sale happens. It might be a while, but we would love for you to come see us when it happens!

I'll be facing my bit "slow down" next month, so if you develop any useful tips I'd love to hear them! And I'm so jealous of your mom time. I'd love to go to Sips n Strokes but I don't want to go alone. If you need a painting buddy, let me know!