So, last night's outing was fun. Jonathan and I went all over the place shopping and spending time together. I definitely cherish those times when we can just shop and talk about anything and everything. I believe that is one of the great things about marrying your best friend. Anyways, Jonathan has introduced me to this new thing through Facebook called Four Square. I haven't quite decided what I think about it yet. It is basically an app that can be used on your phone to check in to places. So, when you walk into an establishment, you grab your phone, check in, and everyone on Facebook can see where you are. Sometimes when you check in at a place they might have a coupon that can be used on that trip. You also have friends on Four Square, and you compete with your friends to see who has checked in to the most places for the week, and who has the most points. You can even win badges. I know this all sounds rather crazy, but Jonathan and I were competing against each other last night since we had so many places we were going to. You get extra points for being the first person of your friends to check into a place for the first time. So, of course we were seeing which one of us could check in first. We are such KIDS! I have decided that Four Square is really invasive in so many ways. I mean, it tells everybody where you are. I guess it is a way for you to ask to have a creeper in your life. I don't know. I'm learning......
Tonight we had a student event called "Back 'N Style". Students came dressed in 1980s attire, and we had a night filled with fun and awesome worship. So, I got a chance to sport the side ponytail. It has been a LONG time since I have done that. I will have to dig up a picture. Anyways, I told my hubby that I didn't know whether I was dressed for the 1980s or just dressed tacky. He very quickly reminded me that they are the same thing. What is so funny is the fact that the style is starting to make its way back around. I can't say that's a look that I ever thought would come back around, but it has very slowly crept back in.
God has laid down so many things on my heart today. I am praying for every single one of them, but most of all, I'm praying for clear direction. This has been something that has been prayed about for months and months and hours and hours. I think there are so many of us who are in a place in their lives where they are just seeking God and asking him what is next. What an incredible journey God takes us on throughout our lives. Make sure to stay strong, and always follow His way because His way is always perfect!
I love date nights like that, too! We need to get together for a double date sometime soon!