As I had my Day #1 walk in the park, I was reminded so quickly by the beauty around me. God paid attention to such detail with everything he created. It truly amazes me! He also paid attention to every detail when creating me, and he has my future all planned out. I may not understand why I'm taking this "break" from teaching right now, but God does. That is all that matters. So, I began thinking through all of the things I can do during this time. Oh sure, I could take complete advantage, and lie around all day. I could watch TV all day, and eat my life away on ice cream, but I firmly believe God desires more for me than that. So, I'm going to take care of every moment God is giving me right now. I think my daily walks in the park are going to be very good for me!
On another note....
By the way, I'm organizing all of my coupons today. They needed a little tune up! I also received a nice surprise in the mail. My incredibly precious mother-in-law is on vacation, and she had some CVS ecbs that were going to expire before she got back from vacation. So, she sent them to me with her card to use. That is going to make for a very exciting shopping week at CVS! :)
Also, TODAY ONLY, you can go to the Barnes and Noble website for a GREAT deal! Barnes and Noble is giving everyone 50% off their 500 best selling books until the end of today. Plus, when you spend $25 or more, you get FREE shipping! Think about the opportunity you have to get some fantastic deals on early Christmas presents, and maybe you can sneak in some fun reads for yourself too. Just click on this link, Barnes and Noble , and HAPPY SHOPPING!

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